Residential Locks: 3 Essential Tips for Dealing with Jamming

Residential door locks are usually durable and resilient. Their prolonged service life can be attributed to the use of quality materials in fabrication and the incorporation of good designs. However, if a lock is neglected for a long period, the mechanism might become jammed. In general, jamming occurs when a lock has not been used for a while. The 'stickiness' of the components is caused by the build-up of rust and dirt. [Read More]

What Happens if I Lose My Safe Deposit Box Key?

If you have valuables that you wish to protect, a safe deposit box is probably the most secure option available to you. Not only will your possessions be safe from burglars, but also from natural disasters such as floods and fires. However, once you get your key, or keys, it is important that you store them somewhere safe, where they won't be lost. Losing your safe deposit box key will cost you time and money. [Read More]

Don't Panic! What to Do When Your Key Breaks Off in the Lock

Having the key snap off in your front door lock can be rather unsettling. You were about to go inside after a long day, and now you're standing at your front door with a broken piece of key in your hand, and the rest of the key stuck in the lock! It might not be as bad as it seems, and you can often fix the problem yourself. Your chances of success depend on the tools you have at home, along with how much of the broken key is protruding from the lock. [Read More]

Why It May Be Hard to Hack Electronic Car Locks

Some car owners may be hesitant to install electronic locks in their cars thinking that code grabbers may open their cars while they are away. However, such a fear may not be justified due to several reasons. This article discusses some of the reasons why it may not be easy to hack into the electronic locks of cars. Use of Rolling Codes Most recent electronic car locks now work based on rolling codes rather than fixed codes. [Read More]